I along with two of my team members have got a chance to build a dating app like tinder. It’s like I got an opportunity to synthesize all my learning till now to build this app. I used Android Studio and several concepts which are listed below:-
Concepts I covered in the entire project:-
• CMD, GIT introduction, GIT collaboration, GIT branching. • Basics Java, OOPS, datatypes, variables and operators. • Functions, objects and Exception handling. • Array, String and collection in java.
• Linear Layout, Relative Layout, Constraint Layout. • Text View, Button, Image Button, Edit Text. • Intent Filters and Intent Communication. • Card View, Scroll View, Image View. • Resources (Strings, Styles, Colors, Dimensions).
Projects Statement and Expectations:-
Aim-Tinder app layout
Since, I did the project in group. So, first expectation was to learn the importance of team work and contribute for the project efficiently. Secondly, I had to do git collaboration, git merge and git branching. To make the same UI of the app as much as possible and also to endeavor to make the best possible design.
Roles and responsibilities of the team members:-
Worked in a group of three people where I first took the initiative to create a new repository on the GitHub. Likewise, there are several other tasks which I did for accomplishment of project. I have created a readme file and pushed that file in my repository then I send the invitation for the collaboration to both of the team members. After collaboration both of them cloned my repository and then we created our own branch. Since, we had to make approximately 20 layouts, so we divided the work equally and tried to commit after each layout. Our master branch was left empty till the last merge. We did almost 60+ commits, push and 10+ merge on GitHub. We tried to resolve each and every conflict we were facing and maintained good communication for which we used texting mostly.
Key learning points and improvements:-
• I learnt how to give perfect naming in the code and activities. • I learnt to debug our code. • To resolve the error. • To use git most efficiently and effectively. • To resolve conflict by using git. • To do proper presentation of our products. • To communicate with the team members.
Happy Learning!